Set up the self-onboarding portal
In this topic, you will learn how to set up the Portnox™ Cloud self-onboarding portal for your users.
Note: On mobile devices, make sure to use a supported browser when accessing the self-onboarding portal:
- Android: Chrome
- iOS: Safari
In the Cloud portal top menu, click on the Settings option.
In the right-hand side pane, find and click on the CLEAR GENERAL SETTINGS heading.
More options appear under the CLEAR GENERAL SETTINGS heading and description.
In the SELF ONBOARDING section, click on the Edit link.
Activate the checkbox Allow self-onboarding by end-users.
Portnox Cloud will generate a unique URL for your self-onboarding portal.
Click on the Save button to save this setting.
Click on the ⧉ icon to copy the URL and share it with your users.
Note: The URL for this content doesn’t change. You can use your company’s link shortening services or redirects to create a URL that is easier for your users to remember and access.
Result: Your users can now manually onboard their devices using the self-onboarding portal.