Packet captures

In this topic, you will learn what kind of packet captures Portnox™ support needs to troubleshoot your issues.

Where to do the packet capture?

To diagnose problems with RADIUS connectivity, we need to know the traffic between your NAS device and our RADIUS servers.

This means that you need to capture packets on the direct uplink between your NAS device and your ISP, for example:

  • If your issues are related to an AP, and the AP is connected to a wireless controller or an uplink switch, you need to capture packets on that wireless controller or the uplink switch.

  • If your issues are related to an Ethernet switch, and that Ethernet switch is connected to a router, you need to capture packets on that router.

How to do the packet capture?

Each device, such as a switch, wireless controller, or router, has a different user interface or console commands to capture packets. Consult your device documentation for instructions on how to turn on packet capture.

We will keep expanding this section with more examples from popular equipment manufacturers.

  • Cisco example:

    ip access-list extended RADIUS-FILTER
    permit ip host NAS_IP host RADIUS_IP
    permit ip host RADIUS_IP host NAS_IP
    monitor capture MYCAP1 buffer circular size 10
    monitor capture MYCAP1 filter access-list RADIUS-FILTER
    monitor capture MYCAP1 interface interface_name both
    monitor capture MYCAP1 start
    monitor capture MYCAP1 stop


    • interface_name: name of the interface where your NAS device is connected to the uplink
    • NAS_IP: the IP address of the NAS device in your local network
    • RADIUS_IP: the IP address of your Portnox Cloud RADIUS server